Imune – Yeast Infection Suppressant


Imune – Yeast Infection Suppressant

The term “imenuite” refers to a cell that is taken from the body and studied under laboratory conditions. Imune refers to the study of immune cells in the body. In biology, immune tolerance is the ability of single multicellular organisms to withstand harmful agents. Tolerance is a complex process that depends on specific cellular factors such as the presence of white blood cells, inflammatory molecules and lectins. Immune tolerance involves both nonspecific and specific components. The nonspecific elements act as strong barriers or eliminators of various types of pathogens regardless of their glycosylated antigenic make up.

Clotting and antigens are the two major components of innate immunity. The body’s immune system creates antibodies that attack foreign antigens and release large complexes of immunoglobulin and interferon. These complicated molecules bind to the invading antigens and inhibit the action of the antigens. The release of the clotted proteins and the antigens is referred to as a thrombosis. Intimate tissue is rarely affected by an acute attack.

The major role of the immune system is to produce antibodies, which attach to pathogenic particles and neutralize them. Since many infections involve the reproduction of microorganisms, such as yeast, fungi and other species, the production of antibodies and T-cells is necessary for killing off invading organisms. In the past, it was assumed that T-cells alone could destroy viruses; however, it was soon discovered that T-cells and macrophages also need an active medium to stimulate them to action. Therefore, T-cells and macrophages are necessary to the effective management of infection.

T-cell and macrophage cells generate numerous inflammatory molecules that damage the invading organisms’ cells. Inflammation is an important aspect of the immunity process; however, there is also an overgrowth of certain cells which cause an imbalance in the inflammatory response. The Imune cell is one of those immune cells. When the Imune cells become overactive, the body produces excessive amounts of cytokines. Cytokines are small inflammatory molecules that are produced by the cells to trigger an exaggerated inflammatory response.

Cytokines and other immune responses lead to hummoid processes, the promotion of the growth of bacteria and fungi, and the progression of infections. In humans, Imune cells normally produce high levels of cytokines, including interferon gamma, interleukin-2, and other antibodies. It is believed that Imune is directly involved in the pathogenesis of chronic yeast infections, and its deficiency is believed to be responsible for the absence of intestinal yeast infection during the course of treating these infections. Makers of Imune supplements have designed their formulations to target the production of interferon gamma and interleukin-2 to optimize its effect on Candida.

An important aspect of Imune’s role in Candidiasis is its ability to protect the infected organism from other microbial entities that might invade the body. The blood is believed to deliver important signals to the neutrophils, the catechins, and other white blood cells to act against a variety of yeast-like organisms that invade the body. The neutrophils, which are part of the body’s defense system, kill microorganisms that invade the body. Hence, the neutrophil-derived Imune may act in synergy with the macrophages to maintain the overall health of the organism.