A Brief Look at Management Definition

Management is the management of an organization, be it a private organization, a government agency, or a non-profit group. In this context, it is simply the art and science of dealing with resources effectively. It focuses on finding out where resources are needed most and how to use them in the most productive manner. It also involves planning, organizing, motivating, and leading others towards the achievement of certain desired goals. In the wider context, management is divided into four key areas:

Strategic management: strategic management deals with setting goals and coordinating the efforts of its members to achieve those goals. A prime example of strategic management is a company’s planning and growth strategy. This involves getting things done that will improve the company’s standing in the market. Other examples of strategic management processes include those related to technology development and implementation, brand building, customer management, human resources management, marketing strategy, procurement, project management, and financing.

Planning and organizing: Planning involves determining the future course of action in relation to the existing objectives. It involves the generation of plans and corresponding action. Organizational planning involves both strategic as well as operational issues. In the case of companies, the overall objective of the company may be to sell a product or to develop a new one. Operational management deals with day-to-day activities, such as decision-making, staffing, production, and financing. It is an essential component of the direction of the organization and is an integral part of achieving the defined objectives.

Directing: Directing refers to taking definite steps in order to attain a specific goal. Usually, managers consider direct approach as the best means to achieve the desired goal. Usually, managers take a step-by-step approach. They try to gather all the information that they need, collect the data that they need, analyze them, and make a decision. Directing can be grouped into systematic, balanced, and behavioral strategies.

Getting things done includes the three elements mentioned above. All these elements are interrelated and cannot be neglected. Therefore, the best definition of management should include all these aspects in its broadest possible sense. The essence of good management is striving for the achievement of set goals and the attainment of a definite plan. When the aims and plans are realized, there is a success achieved and this contributes towards the satisfaction of the targets and the promotion of the organizational goal.

Finally, the management process should have a goal-oriented procedure. A management process is designed in such a way that it provides guidance on how to achieve the set goals. The procedure should direct the personnel toward achieving the goals. Directing and getting things done involve the following five elements mentioned above.