How to Protect Body Skin Naturally

There is a wide variety of sunscreen lotions that protect body from direct sun. The sunscreen lotion SPF protects your skin from the harmful UV rays. It is necessary for daily usage, because UV rays are the leading cause of skin cancer and other diseases. SPF is measured in skin care unit (SQ or squarish) on the back of your hand.

There are some skin types which are not sensitive to sunlight. They can withstand sun protection very well. However, those people with sensitive skin should use a good quality sunscreen lotion. Other skin types need special consideration in case they are also using other products like moisturizers. A combination of moisturizer with sunscreen is the best way to protect your skin from premature aging.

Many people are interested in skincare and facial skin care too. If you are not sensitive, you can apply moisturizer with high SPF. This will help you keep the moisture locked in the deeper layer. However, if you have sensitive facial skin, you need to choose your moisturizers carefully. A good moisturizer contains active ingredients such as grape seed oil, babassu and Maracuja passion fruit extract.

Active ingredients present in these natural moisturizers are acne fighting agents such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and glycolic acid. Antioxidants present in anti-aging creams and body wash helps in reducing the signs of premature aging. Coenzyme Q10, Phytessence Wakame and CynergyTK are some examples of effective natural antioxidants. They protect against free radical damage and fight the growth of bacteria and yeasts in the skin.

Dryness Eliminates 99% of wrinkles and fine lines in under eye area with the help of a body wash. It is important to use a gentle body wash as if it is harsh on your skin it may cause irritation. Your skin needs to be washed gently with warm water using a natural moisture rich cleanser. Avoid using harsh chemicals as cleansers. Using cleansing cream with natural ingredients like olive oil or honey can help you get rid of dryness without over drying. Always choose a body wash that contains babassu, grape seed oil and Maracuja passion fruit extract for moisturizing and nourishing your skin.

Use anti-dryness creams and body wash to maintain the natural moisture balance of the skin. You should use an effective anti-dryness and antibacterial lotion in case of extreme dryness. Antibacterial creams kill the germs and dryness causing the dryness. They work in two ways; first they penetrate the skin and kill the bacteria which later makes the dryness and itchiness worse. Second, anti-bacterial lotion also kills the bacteria causing germs and thus prevent the over production of sebum which is the natural oil found in the skin.