Using the IM Ning Software to Analyze Serum Samples

In recent years, the medical field has made significant advances in the use of Immune Network Modifiers (IMune). Immune system modulators improve the body’s natural defenses against infectious agents. They are used to reduce allergic reactions and increase the body’s defense against diseases such as HIV, herpes, Hepatitis, influenza and tuberculosis. IMune products can be used for a variety of purposes including:

– Immediate Cell Protection A major component of the immune system is the innate immune system which is made up of cells. In biology, resistance is the ability of various multicellular organisms to sustainably resist damaging microorganisms. Resistance includes both nonspecific and specific components.

– Enriched Immune Pathway A part of innate immunity is the innate capacity of cells to protect themselves from outside pathogens by producing antibodies that bind to these pathogens. Disease samples that lack these protective antibodies are unable to ward off disease. IMune products help enhance the innate immune capacity of cells by enriching them with antibodies that bind to pathogenic antigens. These antibodies then travel to the sites of infection and away from the disease-bearing organisms.

– Disease Specific Peptides IMune can also enhance the effects of disease specific peptides. Many types of infectious agents produce a cocktail of amino acids that can cause cellular damage. IMune can inhibit the production of these damaging amino acids through a process called peptide inhibition. This allows the production of protective peptides to be more effective. Disease specific peptides are known to kill off invading microorganisms, allowing the body to strengthen its own defenses.

– Non Linear Processes – Using the Poisson method of analysis, scientists have been able to successfully identify thousands of protein residues that show strong biological evidence of their presence. Although scientists have identified millions of proteins, many of the proteins they have found are too scattered that it is not easy to find patterns using conventional techniques. The IMune software can efficiently detect these protein patterns in a matter of minutes, thereby enabling researchers to see patterns that would otherwise be very hard to identify. Furthermore, the IMune software can be used to identify unknown or weak immunoregulatory proteins and block them from being released into the body, limiting the risks of suffering from life threatening diseases.

Imune can be used to analyze serum samples as well. Serum samples are often tested for serological diseases such as HIV. However, it has been difficult for scientists to separate the sera from the healthy plasma before trying to determine if the serum is infected. With the IMune software, scientists can easily determine if the sera contains infectious virus particles by utilizing the novel binding strategy. This binding strategy makes it easier for researchers to differentiate between sera containing infectious virus, normal sera, and sera with seropositivity related antibodies.